FREE Trial Proc. TurboCoder


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• SPECIAL Introductory Offer $51.95 (SRP $69.95)• Find what you need INSTANTLY in the CPT Codes and HCPCS on your phone or tablet• Small File Size less than 8MB - Downloads FAST for minimal data and storage• Easy-to-Use - Look & feel of the Books - No training necessary• Code more than 5 times faster than with books - GuaranteedThe Procedural TurboCoder 2016 includes the complete AMA CPT Codes with Official CPT Index, HCPCS, Medicare MUE and PFS all fully searchable with TurboSearch for Android - Comprehensively indexed with every word, phrase and number searchable with hyperlinks to Codes. Guaranteed to find anything and everything with the search index.
• Easy-to-Use just like the books • Instantly accessible OFF-LINE on your phone or tablet • Pre-emptive Search Spelling Help (PSSH) - pull down list of suggested terms after you type 3 or 4 characters into the Search box and activate Search • Find Terms even if you can’t spell them • Main Term, Code and Everwhere search - find the Main terms directly in the Index of Procedures • Search results are meaningful and shown in context (it's NOT a database) • Permanently compressed to (less than 8MB) a small fraction of the original size so it Downloads in seconds saving data cost and storage space for FAST OFF-LINE access • Copy-&-Paste into email, notes, Facebook and Twitter.
CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association